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Another Silent Spring: Thinking about Environment and Health in the Era of COVID-19

An Online Lecture Series



Sponsored by:

the School of History,

The Center for Ecological History and

the Center for Medical History,

Renmin University of China


Conveners: Shen Hou and Hao Chen

Milan’s Piazza del Duomo on 28 February 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic. Photograph by Miguel Medina. From: Worster, Donald. “Another Silent Spring.” Environment & Society Portal, Virtual Exhibitions 2020, no. 1 (22 April 2020). Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.

在其发表于2020年的文章《另一个寂静的春天》中,唐纳德· 沃斯特写道:“在这个春天,某种怪诞的宁静笼罩着全世界的城镇,各国政府要求其公民宅在家中,避免不必要的旅行,远离大型聚会。比之平日,城市街道、乡村高速、锃亮的机场、新一代高铁显得空空荡荡,因为它们正是新型冠状病毒(COVID-19或称SARS-Cov2)从一个大洲向另一个大洲,从一个受害人向另一个受害人传播的可怖通道。”

In his essay “Another Silent Spring” published in 2020, Donald Worster wrote: “This springtime an eerie silence has fallen over the world’s cities and towns, as governments order their citizens to stay home, avoid unnecessary travel, and keep away from large-group gatherings. Urban streets, rural highways, brand-new airports, and the new generation of bullet trains are all emptier than before, for they are the dreaded paths that the corona virus (Covid-19 or SARS-Cov2) takes to spread from continent to continent and reach its next victims.


“There is no shortage of noise when humans begin to panic and shout for revenge. We are in a fighting mood, and the fight once more is against nature. The non-human world is being blamed not only for the current wave of sickness but also for upheaval in trade, manufacturing, transportation, jobs, currencies, stock prices, education, climate and biodiversity conferences, immigration, and hospitals. Eventually, after the first waves of panic begin to subside, we may be ready to think about why this epidemic has occurred.”


This spring 2021 is a good time for historians to reflect on this silence and on the deep historical roots leading up to it. Therefore, we are inviting eight leading scholars from different parts of the world to present their research on the subject, to share their thoughts about health and environment in the era of COVID-19, and to encourage more people to add their rational thinking when the silence is broken.


The lectures will be held on VooV Meeting, open to the audience all over the world. We will post the meeting link and the time in the announcement of each lecture.


Lecture Calendar


Christof Mauch



克里斯多夫·毛赫Christof Mauch,蕾切尔·卡森环境与社会中心;慕尼黑大学):《瘟疫来袭:美国历史上的种族主义、科学与政治》

Lecture 1

Mar. 17 (Wednesday)

Christof Mauch (The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society; Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München), “The Plague Comes to America: Racism, Science and Politics in US History”.


Andy Horowitz



安迪·霍洛维茨Andy Horowitz,杜兰大学):《新奥尔良之史:卡特里娜飓风、新冠与气候危机》

Lecture 2

April. 3 (Saturday)

Andy Horowitz (Tulane University), “New Orleans’s History, America’s Future: Katrina, Covid, and the Climate Crisis”

Ari Larrisa Heinrich



韩瑞Ari Larrisa Heinrich,澳大利亚国立大学):《“睡狮”的传译——科学怪人、外交和近代中国

Lecture 3

April 14 (Wednesday)

Ari Larrisa Heinrich (Australia National University), “How China Became the ’Sleeping Lion’: Frankenstein’s Diplomacy”.

Mary Augusta Brazelton



白玫Mary Augusta Brazelton,剑桥大学):《现代中国的大众免疫和疾病控制——从公共卫生到全球健康(1937-1978)》

Lecture 4

April 27 (Tuesday)

Mary Augusta Brazelton (University of Cambridge), “Mass Immunization and Disease Control in Modern China: From Public to Global Health, 1937-78”

Jennifer Derr



珍妮弗·德尔Jennifer Derr,加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁兹分校):《环境性身体的交替历史与分析的可能性:一个来自20世纪埃及的视角》

Lecture 5

May 8 (Saturday)

Jennifer Derr (University of California, Santa Cruz), The Alternate Histories and Analytical Possibilities of the Environmental Body: The View from 20th-Century Egypt

Conevery Valencius



康纳威瑞·瓦伦修斯Conevery Valencius,波士顿学院):《早期美国的健康与环境》

Lecture 6

May 29 (Saturday)

Conevery Valencius (Boston College), “Health and Environment in the Early United States”

Frédéric Keck



柯富德Frédéric Keck法国国家科学研究中心社会人类学中心):《预防疾疫全球大流行——从禽流感到新冠》

Lecture 7

June 8 (Tuesday)

Frédéric Keck (CNRS Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale), “Pandemic Preparedness: From Avian Influenza to SARS-Cov”

Marco Armiero



马科·阿米埃罗(Marco Armiero,瑞典皇家理工学院):《废新世:污染与制造公地的故事》

Lecture 8

June 24 (Thursday)

Marco Armiero (Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm), “Wasteocene. Stories of Contamination and Commoning”