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The Fourth Conference of East Asian Environmental History (EAEH 2017)

Time: October 26-31 (Thursday-Tuesday), 2017

Venue: Jinnan campus of Nankai University, Tianjin, China

Sponsor: Association for East Asian Environmental History (AEAEH)

Chinese Society for Environment Sciences (CSES)

Hosted by Nankai University, Tianjin, China

General theme:

Tracing the Ecological Footprint of East Asian and World Civilization


For the final attendance, accomadation, and mid-conference study tour confirmation, all participants are asked to register online.

Before registering, please make sure you have made the reservation for the hotel.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Hsiao-yun Liu (hsyunliu@gate.sinica.edu.tw) for advice.

For starting the registration process, please click the [Registration] button below.


Deadline: September 30, 2017(extended to October 10, 2017)

Registration Fee is for conference service, material and buffet.

1. Categories

   Full price: 800CNY

   Ph.D. candidate: 500CNY

   Accompanying person: 500CNY

2. Payment: on-site, cash only.

Full Paper Submission

All presenters should upload their full papers or report materials to the conference via submission system.

The paper must be submitted in PDF format.

The papers of the panel should be uploaded by the panel organizer.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Hsiao-yun Liu () .

To submit the full paper, please click the [Submission] button below.


Deadline: September 30, 2017(extended to October 10, 2017)

Conference Schedule




Oct. 26

Whole day


The   Expert Apartmment of Nankai University

Check   in

The   Expert Apartmment of Nankai University
  Tianjin Phoenix International Hotel (

Oct. 27



Jinnan   Campus of Nankai University

Opening   Ceremony

Group   Photo

Keynote   Speech I


Parallel   Session 1

Parallel   Session 2


Multidisciplinary   Communication I

Oct. 28


Keynote   Speech II

Jinnan   Campus of Nankai University

Keynote   Speech III

Keynote   Speech IV


Parallel   Session 3

Parallel   Session 4


Multidisciplinary   Communication II

Oct. 29

Whole day

Mid-confernce   study tour

Scenery   Spots in Tianjin Area

Oct. 30


Parallel   Session 5

Jinnan   Campus of Nankai University

Parallel   Session 6


Parallel   Session 7

Committee   Election

Closing   Ceremony


Farewell   Banquet

Oct. 31 Tuesday


The conference program is being arranged. If you have any suggestion, please contact us at any time.
For a better arrangement, if you need to arrive late or leave early, please tell us in advance.
Contact: EAEH2017 Secretariat (eaeh2017@163.com)


The conference venue is in the Jinnan Campus of Nankai University which is a new campus and away from downtown Tianjin about 30 km.

Tianjin City 天津   Jinnan Campus of Nankai University 南开大学津南校区

Wetland near Jinnan Campus 津南校区附近湿地  Sketch Map of Jinnan Campus 津南校区示意图

Time Table

• March 31, 2017 (extended to October 10, 2017)

Deadline for paper abstract or panel proposal submission

• September 30, 2017(extended to October 10, 2017)

Deadline for hotel reservation and attendance confirmation and full paper or report material submission

• October 26-31, 2017

EAEH2017 in Nankai University, Tianjin, China

Accommodations and Meals




Star Level




Capacity (Rooms)

Booking method


Tianjin Phoenix International   Hotel

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

About 7 km away from Jinnan Campus   (free Shuttle)




Online Booking
Hotel Booking
  Open from July 1, 2017


The Expert Apartment of Nankai   University

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Inside Jinnan Campus


Additional Charge


Inform the Conference Secretariat   (eaeh2017@163.com)
  Pay at check-in


The hotel prices are preferential prices.

The online booking system will open on July 1, 2017. Please indicate you are EAEH2017 participants while booking to get conference special price.

If you choose to live in "The Expert Apartment of Nankai University," please inform the Secretariat to book your room. You can pay the fee at check-in (by cash or credit card).

The Venue of conference is far from the city center of Tianjin. We won't suggest you stay in a hotel downtown. If you have special requests and need to stay in other hotels, please also inform us before the conference.


1.Breakfast: in the hotel

2. Lunch: in the Expert Apartment of Nankai University (buffet, free)

3. Dinner: in the hotel (at your own will and expense)

4. Banquet: arranged by the conference host (free)

Mid-conference Study Tour

Time: Oct. 29, 2017

Theme 1: The tour of history and culture (inside Tianjin central city)

Route: Tianjin Nature Museum / History Museum / City Planning Exhibition / Boat cruise on the Hai River

Cost: About 250CNY (including transportation and tickets)

Theme 2: The tour of ecology landscapes (Large Tianjin Area)

Route: Sino-Singapore Eco-Town / Ecological Industrial Park / Binhai International science park of flowers

Cost: About 250-300CNY (including transportation and tickets)


The tour routes above are for reference now. We will update the information when the route is confirmed.

Please choose your tour when register online.

The tour fee wil be directly paid on-site to the tourism company.


Along with the paper submission, there will be an online registration for the final attendance confirmation.

All participants must register for the Confernece.

Registration Fee is for conference service, material and buffet.

1. Categories

Full price: 800CNY

Ph.D. candidate: 500CNY

Accompanying person: 500CNY

2. Payment: on-site, cash only.


The following is the information on access to Jinnan Campus of Nankai University.

• From Beijing Capital International Airport (北京首都国际机场)

1) Take the Airport Shuttle to Tianjin Tianhuan Passenger's Station (天津天环客运站)

Cost: About 86CNY

Distance: About 2 hours and 30 minutes

2) Take Taxi to Jinnan Campus fo Nankai University

Cost: About 80CNY

Distance: About 1 hour

• From Tianjin Binhai International Airport (天津滨海国际机场)

Take Taxi to Jinnan Campus of Nankai University

Cost: About 80CNY

Distance: About 50 minutes

• From Tianjin Railway Station (天津火车站) / Tianjin South Railway Station (天津南站) / Tianjin West Railway Station (天津西站)

Take Taxi to Jinnan Campus of Nankai University

Cost: About 70CNY (Tianjin Railway Station) / About 90CNY (Tianjin South Railway Station) / About 80CNY (Tianjin West Railway Station)

Distance: About 50 minutes

If you need more help or advice about transportation, please contact us and provide your flight information in advance.

Please contact us at our official email address: eaeh2017@163.com

Program Committee

The Advisory Committee Members

Donald Hughes  University of Denver

James Lee 李中清  The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Bozhong Li 李伯重  Peking University

Ts’ui-jung Liu 劉翠溶  Academia Sinica

Robert Marks  Whittier College

Satoshi Murayama 村山聡  Kagawa University

Donald Worster  The University of Kansas

Members from AEAEH & CSES

David Bello  Washington & Lee University

Philip Brown  The Ohio State University

Tatsushi Fujihara 藤原辰史  Kyoto University

Xuesong Hou 侯雪松  Chinese Society for Environment Sciences

Andrea Janku  University of London

Shiyung Liu 劉士永  Academia Sinica

David Pietz  University of Arizona

Akihisa Setoguchi 瀨戶口明久  Kyoto University

Dawei Tang 唐大为  Chinese Society for Environment Sciences

Lihua Wang 王利华  Nankai University

Li Zhang  Shaanxi Normal University

Members from Cooperative Institutions in Mainland China

Xiaohong Chao 钞晓鸿  Xiamen University

Sheng Fei  Sun Yat-sen University

Guorong Gao 高国荣  Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Zhaoqin Han 韩昭庆  Fudan University

Shen Hou  Renmin University of China

Yongjian Hou 侯甬坚  Shaanxi Normal University

Xueqing Mei 梅雪芹   Tsinghua University

Mingfang Xia 夏明方  Renmin University of China

Siming Wang 王思明  Nanjing Agricultural University

Xingguang Wang 王星光  Zhengzhou University

Xiongsheng Zen 曾雄生  Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ping Zhang  Capital Normal University

Qiong Zhou    Yunnan University

Call for panels, papers, and posters

Abstract submission system is closed.

If you have questions, please contact Miss Hsiao-yun Liu, Academia Sinica (hsyunliu@gate.sinica.edu.tw).

The deadline for paper abstract or panel proposal submission is April 30, 2017.

Suggested sub-themes:

Spatial-temporal Process and Historical Pulsation: The Origin, Expansion and Transformation of East Asian Civilization.

Natural Environment and Social Forms: Population Behavior, Ethnic Groups and Nation-state Regimes.

Environment and Lifestyles: Economic Systems, Material Production and the Ways of Food, Clothing, Housing and Transportation.

Environment, Resource and Technology: Exploitation and Utilization of Material and Energy and Their Impacts to Eco-system.

Deep blue seas changed into Mulberry Fields: The Changing Landscape Under the Joint Action of Natural and Human Forces.

Challenge and Response: Disaster, Disease and Pollution in the Process of Human Civilization.

Cognition and Emotion: Knowledge, Values, Beliefs and Aesthetic Related to Environment.

East Asia and the Outside World: Cultural Contact and Ecological linkage Across Lands, Oceans and Skies.

The Fourth Conference of East Asian Environmental History will be held from October 26-31, 2017 in Tianjin, China. It is being jointly organized by the Association for East Asian Environmental History, Chinese Society for Environment Sciences along with a number of other institutions and will be hosted by Nankai University. It will provide an opportunity for multidisciplinary, international academic dialogue. Historians, archaeologists, ecologists, geographers, environmental scientists and other scholars in relevant fields are invited to gather together to reviewhumanity’s and especially the East Asian peoples’ environmental past, to explain the constantly expanding and deepening interrelationship between humans and the sky, the earth, and the seas, and their various biotic and abiotic components, and to examine the environmental challenges that human civilizations, including East Asian civilizations have faced in the past and are still facing today. Our goal is to reach a more profound understanding of the complex eco-historical process of the interaction and co-evolution between human beings and nature for this important world region, and to provide non-western perspectives for the search for a road to a harmonious and symbiotic relationship between man and nature and sustainable development. Scholars from all around the world who are interested in environmental history are welcome.

The general theme of the conference is Tracing the Ecological Footprint of East Asian and World Civilizations. The phrase "ecological footprint" is used in a broad sense here. It does not mean that we must all adopt in the conference a quantitative model for investigating ecological relationships between humans and nature in history, although we appreciate and eventually will need such efforts. We use the phrase to express the goal of attempting to figure out the qualitative as well as quantitative dimensions of human impact on the natural environment for the past few thousand years—to retrace the historical footprints of East Asian and world civilizations from many perspectives.

Discussions of the long-term changes in natural systems (including climate, land, sea, and species populations and distribution) are welcome. Yet we particularly encourage attention to materials, technology, economy, social structure, political institutions, living patterns, and concepts from the perspective of environmental history. What impact or “footprint” have natural forces had on the development of variouscivilizations? How do we explain how the East Asian peoples, for their own subsistence and development, have adapted to diverse natural settings, continuously expanded the utilization of natural resources, and caused tremendous environmental changes, eventually leading to a state of ecological crisis today? We also encourage a more comprehensive and extensive comparison within the region and beyond so as to grasp the pulsations, rhythms, patterns, and cycles that human systems and natural systems have exhibited. We encourage proposals that focus on East Asian civilization's historical integrity, diversity, independence, and linkages among regions and nations, as well as their common natural origin and ecological consequences. But our interest is not confined to this specific region. We also realize that East Asia has never been ecologically and culturally isolated from the outside world. More attention should be paid to the historical connections between East Asia and other parts of the world. All in all, we hope this conference will promote a more inclusive narrative and a more holistic understanding of East Asian environmental history and the region's ecological links with the rest of the world.

Participants are encouraged to organize panels and to submit sets of coordinated proposals. Single papers and individual or group posters, however, are also welcome. The organizer will invite experts to review, make selections among the proposals, and publicize the results as soon as possible.

We sincerely welcome colleagues (whether or not a member of the AEAEH) to send us their proposals to help us create that more inclusive narrative and to suggest new avenues of research.

The working language of EAEH 2017 is English. All participants except the keynote speakers are expected to provide competent translations of their work in English, both in their proposals, presentations, and commentaries. To ensure a smooth communication and to encourage young scholars (including doctoral candidates, post doctoral researchers, etc.) to participate in the conference, we plan to recruit from around the world 5 to 10 volunteers who will serve as simultaneous interpreters during the conference. In compensation, they will be exempted from the usual registration fee and entitled to free accommodation. Applicants should declare their willingness to serve as conference interpreters when they register and provide proof of their language skill. To be chosen as an interpreter, we need evidence of proficiency in both English and Chinese (1 to 2 interpreters should also be fluent in Japanese), and of a professional-level background in environmental history or a related field. If you are interested in applying for conference interpreter, please send application to Miss Hsiao-yun Liu(hsyunliu@gate.sinica.edu.tw).
