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2017525-27日 北京






The Changing Foundations of Environmental Knowledge

International conference convened at Renmin University of China,

25-27 May 2017

Cosponsored by the Rachel Carson Center, Munich,

the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, and

the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University, Beijing

前 言 Preface


Who knows nature best? This is a question that has a truly ancient history. Knowing nature began among our fellow nonhuman creatures—an ape spearing a fish, a bird extracting grubs with a twig--and was vital to early hominids. Foragers had to think about their environments simply to survive. With the rise of civilizations discrete communities of knowledge evolved, each with formalized standards and processes that competed for power. Peasants competed against craftsmen, religious leaders, and urban experts. In modern societies based on science and technology, those rivals claiming superior knowledge have become more and more numerous and fragmented. Scientific knowledge is becoming increasingly complicated, and in some circles increasingly resisted. Historians, philosophers, anthropologists, sociologists of knowledge have fought to say what counts as truth, or to deny altogether the quest for objective truth. And always, the question of who gets to define knowledge can have profound consequences for society and for the natural world.


Our conference will seek to move beyond simple dichotomies (modernity vs. tradition, science vs. religion, folk wisdom vs. urban ignorance), to develop comparisons around the world, and to bring neglected parts of space and time into view. We will address four subthemes. “Entangled in the Web of Life” focuses on how humans have tried to organize, and sometimes to re-organize, the dazzling world of plants and animals, including microorganisms, in useful ways. “Grasping the Restless Earth” deals with efforts to explain nature in the form of earthquakes, climate change, rain forests, and volcanoes. Our third theme, “Managing the Wet and the Wild,” follows the flow of water and various human efforts to capture that flow in thought and practice—or to liberate rivers from our control. Finally, in “Developing the Country,” we will compare various nationalized efforts to assess environments and landscapes for their economic potential and to exploit their productivity.

525日,星期四 THURSDAY, MAY 25


Multi-function Hall, 3rd Floor, Library, RUC

开幕式 Opening Ceremony / 3:00-3:40 pm

主持:夏明方 (中国人民大学)
Moderator: XIA Mingfang (RUC)
翻译:侯深 (中国人民大学)
Translator: HOU Shen (RUC)


Welcoming remarks by HONG, Dayong, vice president of Renmin University of China (RUC); HUANG Xingtao, Dean of the School of History, RUC; and Helmuth TRISCHLER,
Co-Director of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, and Research Director of the Deutsches Museum, Munich

Group photograph / 3:40-4:00 pm

主题演讲 Keynote address / 4:00-5:30 pm

薛凤 德国马克斯·普朗克科学史研究所执行主任,《工开万物》作者
Dagmar SCHÄFER, Managing Director of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, and author of The Crafting of the 10,000 Things:王朝中国之政治与科学变迁》

“Politics and Scientific Change in Dynastic China”


Introduction by Donald WORSTER (Distinguished Foreign Expert, RUC)


Comment by WANG Siming (Dean of the Institute of Chinese Agricultural Civilization, Nanjing Agricultural University)

526日,星期五 FRIDAY, MAY 26


Conference Room 401, Huixian Building Tower C

第一组:纠缠于生命之网 8:30am-12:00pm

Session I: Tangled in the Web of Life /8:30am-12:00pm


Chair: Donald WORSTER

1. 莎拉·埃勒斯(英国,莱斯特大学医疗人文中心):《定要向所有采采蝇宣战: 维 多利亚湖区之环境睡眠病》

Sarah EHLERS (Centre for Medical Humanities, University of Leicester),“’War Must Be Declared on All the Tsetse Flies’: Environmental Sleeping Sickness Control in the Lake Victoria Region, 1900-1920”


Critic: CHE Qun

2. 车群(上海交通大学历史系):《血吸虫流行病与环境变迁:湖南沅江的个 案 研究,18-19世纪》

CHE Qun (Department of History, Shanghai Jiaotong University), “The Schistosomiasis Epidemic and Environmental Change: A Case Study of Yuanjiang County, Hunan, in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries”


Critic: CAO Ling

3. 桑德拉·斯沃特(南非,斯泰伦波斯大学):《鲜血、白骨与狒狒:了解南非社会- 换境史的路径》

Sandra SWART (Stellenbosch University), “Blood, Bones and Baboons: Ways of Knowing in South Africa’s Socio-Environmental History”


Critic: Alan MacEACHERN

茶 歇 Tea and coffee break /10:00-10:30am

4. 多萝特·布兰茨(德国,柏林大都市研究中心):《自然知识的栖息地:19世纪 柏林的动物展览》

Dorothee BRANTZ (Center for Metropolitan Studies TU Berlin),“Nature’s Knowledge Habitats: Animal Displays in Nineteenth-Century Berlin”


Critic: Sandra SWART

5. 曹玲(南京信息工程大学):《明、清、民国时期玉米传播与种植的时空特点分析:以地方志为基础》

CAO Ling (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology), “Analysis of Space-time Characteristics of the Spread and Cultivation of Maize in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China Based on Local Gazetteers”


Critic: Dorothee BRANTZ

6. 艾伦·麦凯琴(加拿大,西安大略大学):《应季的第一台割草机:以物候学感知加拿大的天气与气候》

Alan MacEACHERN (Department of History, University of Western Ontario), “The First Lawnmower of the Season: Knowing Weather and Climate in Canada through Phenology”


Critic: Sarah EHLERS

第二组:掌控躁动的地球 2:00-5:30 pm

Session II: Grasping the Restless Earth /2:00-5:30 pm

主持:柯安慈 (德国 , 中国人民大学)

Chair: Agnes KNEITZ (RUC)

1. 利诺·坎普鲁维(德国,马普科学史所):《全球环境的涌现》

Lino CAMPRUBI (Max-Plank-Institute Berlin), “The Emergence of the Global Environment”


Critic: José-Augusto PADUA

2. 卡特林·克勒曼(德国,蕾切尔·卡森中心/慕尼黑大学):《揭开无知的迷雾:欧 洲与1783年拉基裂缝爆发》

Katrin KLEEMANN (LMU / RCC), “Lifting the Fog of Ignorance: Europe and the Icelandic Laki Fissure Eruption of 1783”


Critic: Lino CAMPRUBI

3. 孙萌萌(上海交通大学科学史与科学文化研究院):《竺可桢之气候变化思想与西 方世界对新冰期的忧虑》

SUN Mengmeng (Shanghai Jiaotong University), “Co-Ching Chu's Thought on Climate Change and the Worry of A New Ice Age from the West World”


Critic: Katrin KLEEMANN

茶 歇 Tea and coffee break /3:30-4:00pm

4. 李永祥(云南社会科学院):《云南少数民族灾害神话的认知隐喻与文化解 释》

LI Yongxiang (Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences), “The Cognitive Implication and Cultural Interpretation of Disaster Myths of Ethnic Groups in Yunnan”


Critic: WANG Zanwei


José-Augusto PADUA (Institute of History, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro),“The Rise of a Critical Understanding of Nature and Nature Destruction in the Colonial Tropics: The Case of Brazil (1790-1825)”


Critic: LI Yongxiang

6. 王瓒玮(中国社会科学院日本所):《冲突与融合:东亚秩序变动下的中日地震认 知变迁》

WANG Zanwei (Institute of Japanese Studies, CASS), “Conflict and Fusion: The Earthquake Cognition Variation of China and Japan under East Asian Order of Change”


Critic: SUN Mengmeng

527日,星期六 SATURDAY, MAY 27


Conference Room 401, Huixian Building Tower C

第三组:应对水与野性 8:30 am-12 noon

Session III: Managing the Wet and the Wild / 8:30 am-12 noon

主持:曾华璧 (台湾,长庚大学)

Chair: TSENG Hua-Pi (Chang Gung University)

1. 黄瑜(香港科技大学):《“充满活力的药渣”:南中国水产品安全控制的知识竞争》

HUANG Yu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),“Vibrant Drug Residues: Contending Knowledge on Aquatic Food Safety Control in South China”


Critic: PAN Mingtao

2. 伊娃·雅各布森(挪威,斯塔万格大学):《“水王国”:18世纪自然史家眼中的水 知识》

Eva JAKOBSSON (University of Stavanger),“The Water Kingdom”: Water Knowledge Through the Eyes of an 18th-Century Natural Historian”


Critic: Anna OLENENKO

3. 潘明涛(中山大学历史学系):《15-19世纪畿辅水学的演变》

PAN Mingtao (Sun Yat-Sen University), “The Evolution of Water Management Theories in the Capital Area (15th-19thCenturies)”


Critic: SUN Jinghao

茶 歇 Tea and coffee break /10:00-10:30am

4. 斯特凡·多隆戴尔(罗马尼亚,人类学研究所):《多瑙河下游的垦荒:修复、自我恢复与混杂自然》

Stefan DORONDEL (Francisc I Rainer Institute of Anthropology Bucharest), “Reclaiming Wilderness along the Lower Danube: Restoration, Spontaneous Recovery and Hybrid Nature”


Critic: Eva Jakobsson


Anna OLENENKO (Khortytsia National Academy), “Steppe Wetlands:Confrontation of the Scientific Concepts and Construction of the Landscape


Critic: Stefan DORONDEL

6. 孙竞昊(浙江大学历史系):《治水之道:明清时期山东西部运河流域水柜功能的若干思考》

SUN Jinghao (Zhejiang University), “The Way of Water Management in Late Imperial China: Reflections on theMechanism of the Shuigui Reservoirs in Western Shandong”


Critic: HUANG Yu

第四组:发展中的国家 2:00-5:30 pm

Session IV: Developing the Country /2:00-5:30 pm


Chair: CHEN Hao (RUC)

1. 彼得·拉维尔(美国,天普大学):《在19世纪中国了解自然资源》

Peter LAVELLE (Temple University), “Knowing Natural Resources in Nineteenth-Century China”



2. 詹姆斯·林(美国,加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校):《饥饿斗士:传教士、科学与中国发展的起源,1920-1949

James LIN (University of California, Berkeley), “Hunger Fighters: Missionaries, Science, and the Origins of Development in China, 1920-1949”


Critic: Ian CAMPBELL

3. 斯利亚·贾伊思瓦尔(印度,Tata社会科学研究所(孟买)):《在质询环境争议之政治与意识前提中整合政治经济学、观念与科学:印度康坎铁路的个案研究》

Sreeja JAISWAL (Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai (Maharashtra), “Integrating Political Economy, Ideas and Science in Interrogating the Political and Ideological Premises of Environmental Controversies in India: A Case Study of the Konkan Railways”


Critic: Peter LAVELLE

茶 歇 Tea and coffee break /3:15-3:45pm

4. 玛利亚·阿夫克森泰斯卡亚(德国,马普科学史所):《转化中的环境:俄罗斯林学管理的建立》

Maria AVXENTEVSKAYA (Max-Plank-Institute Berlin), “Environment in Translation Establishing Russian Forestry Management”


Critic: Shannon Stunden BOWER


Shannon Stunden BOWER (University of Alberta), “Tools for Rational Development: The Canada Land Inventory and the Canada Geographic Information System in Mid-20th Century Canada”


Critic: Sreeja JAISWAL

6. 伊恩·坎贝尔(美国,加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校):《“面包篮抑或牲畜栏”:专业知识与哈萨克草原的未来,1868-1917

Ian CAMPBELL (University of California, Davis), “’Breadbasket or Stockyard?’ Expertise and the Future of the Kazak Steppe, 1868-1917”


Critic: James LIN

总结讨论 5:00-5:30pm

Concluding Discussion /5:00-5:30pm


Moderator: HOU Shen


Discussants: Helmuth TRISCHLER and XIA Mingfang

注 意 Notes

注 册 Registration


Registration desk opens from 8am – 2pm, May 25, in the lobby of Yanshan Hotel. At 2:30pm we will gather in the hotel lobby and walk to the opening plenary session together.

会 议 Sessions


Each session will consist of peer critiques of papers (ca. 10 min) followed by general discussion.The critiques should provide a brief summary of the main themes or argument of the assigned paper and then an assessment of strengths and weaknesses along with further questions for discussion.
