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Society for the History of Technology (SHOT)Annual Meeting


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Society for the History of Technology (SHOT)Annual Meeting

Call for Papers and Sessions

Society for the History of Technology (SHOT)
Annual Meeting - Singapore
22-26 June 2016


Formed in 1958, SHOT is an interdisciplinary and international organization concerned not only with the history of technological devices and processes but also with technology in history, the development of technology, and its relations with society and culture --that is, the relationship of technology to politics, economics, science, the arts, and the organization of production, and with the role it plays in the differentiation of individuals in society.

Accordingly, the Program Committee invites proposals on any topic in a broadly defined history of technology, including topics that push the boundaries of the discipline. The Committee welcomes proposals for complete sessions (preferred) or individual papers from researchers at all levels, whether veterans or newcomers to SHOT's meetings, and regardless of primary discipline. Submitters are encouraged to propose sessions that include a diverse mix of participants: multinational origins, gender, graduate students and junior scholars with senior scholars, significantly diverse institutional affiliations, etc.

For the 2016 meeting the Program Committee welcomes proposals of the following types:

Traditional sessions of 3 or 4 papers, with a chair and a commentator. Deadline: December 15, 2015.

Unconventional sessions, with formats that diverge in useful ways from the typical 3 or 4 papers with comment. These might include round-table sessions and workshop-style sessions with pre-circulated papers. Deadline: December 15, 2015.

Open sessions: Individuals interested in finding others to join panel sessions for the Annual Meeting may propose Open Sessions to the Secretary's office via email, starting October 15, with a final deadline of December 1. Open Sessions descriptions, along with organizer contact information, will appear as soon as possible on the SHOT website, on the Open Sessions List. (The earlier the proposal is received by the Secretary, the earlier it will be posted to the Open Sessions List.) To join a proposed panel from the Open Sessions List, contact the organizer for that panel, not the Program Committee, and not the Secretary. Open Session organizers will then assemble full panel sessions and submit them to SHOT via the traditional/unconventional sessions portal by the end of the regular call for papers on December 15, 2015. The Program Committee will review the resulting fully formed session proposals, whether traditional or unconventional, for quality and adherence to SHOT standards of gender, geographic, and institutional diversity.

Click on this link for more information on how to submit a paper/panel or join an open panel: http://www.historyoftechnology.org/call_for_papers/index.html

In special cases, proposals for individual papers will be considered, but the Program Committee will give preference to organized sessions, either Traditional, Untraditional, or Open. Those scholars who might ordinarily propose an individual paper are instead requested to propose Open Sessions themselves or to join an Open Session that is posted between October 15 and December 1.

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The 2016 Program Committee consists of William Storey, Millsaps College (chair); Kevin L. Borg, James Madison University; Karin Zachmann, Technische Universität München; and Itty Abraham, National University of Singapore.

For general questions about the Society for the History of Technology, please contact SHOT Secretary David Lucsko at
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