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The Sixth Biennial Conference of East Asian Environmental History (EAEH 2021)


The Sixth Biennial Conference of East Asian Environmental History (EAEH 2021)

Time: September 7-10 (Tuesday-Friday), 2021
Venue: Kyoto University, Japan (online)

General theme:
Human and Nature in East Asia: Exploring New Directions in Environmental History

Update November 13, 2020

· The new time table is now open. The extended deadline for paper and panel submission is March 31, 2021.

· The online registration will begin on May 31, 2021. Please note that there will be a registration fee.

Past Announcements

· November 6, 2020. The Local Preparatory Committee of the EAEH2021 has decided to have our next conference completely online.

Call for Papers and Panels

Panels or individual papers are encouraged to focus on the general theme and the following sub-themes. The conference also accepts papers on environmental history that do not fall under the umbrella topics. We welcome panels that include speakers from multiple universities and which have inter-regional or trans-regional themes.

Suggested sub-themes:

· Energy

· Pollution

· Oceans

· Lakes and Rivers

· Forests

· Food and Agriculture

· Disease

· Art and Philosophy

· Historiography

Online submission is now open here .

Submission Time: June 19, 2020 - March 31, 2021 (extended deadline)

Instructions for submission are here .

Example of submission form 

Time Table (Revised for the online conference.)

· April 8, 2020
Announcement of EAEH2021

· March 31, 2021 (extended deadline)
Deadline for abstract submission

· May 31 , 2021
Announcement of accepted proposal

· May 31 , 2021
Preliminary Program. Conference registration will begin.

· July 31, 2021
Deadline for conference registration. Late registration will have extra charges.

· July 31, 2021
Deadline for submission of full paper

· September 7-10, 2021
EAEH2021 at Kyoto University, Japan (online)

The Program Committee

(alphabetical order by last name)
Tatsushi Fujihara 藤原辰史 (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)
Shinobu Iguro 井黒忍 (Faculty of Letters, Otani University)
Yawen Ku 顧雅文 (Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)

Peter Lavelle (College of Liberal Arts, Temple University)
Shiyung Liu 劉士永 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University/ University of Pennsylvania)
Ts'ui-jung Liu 劉翠溶 (Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)

Xueqin Mei 梅雪芹 (Department of History, Tsinghua University)
Shoko Mizuno 水野祥子 (Faculty of Economics, Komazawa University)
Manyong Moon 文晚龍 (Jeonbuk National University)
Satoshi Murayama 村山聡 (Kagawa University)
Koji Nakashima 中島弘二 (College of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University)
Federico Paolini
(Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)
Lihua Wang 王利华 (Faculty of History, Nankai University)

The Local Preparatory Committee

Chair (President of AEAEH)
Akihisa Setoguchi 瀬戸口明久 (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)
Co-chair (Vice President of AEAEH)
Tatsushi Fujihara 藤原辰史 (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)

Committee Members (alphabetical order by last name)
Kjell Ericsion (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)
Michinori Hashimoto 橋本道範 (Lake Biwa Museum)
Noboru Higashi 東昇 (Faculty of Letters, Kyoto Prefectural University)
Ryuji Hiraoka 平岡隆二 (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)
Shinobu Iguro 井黒忍 (Faculty of Letters, Otani University)

Miho Ishii 石井美保 (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)
Taisaku Komeie 米家泰作 (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)
Yuka Tsuchiya 土屋由香 (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University)
Shuntaro Tsuru 都留俊太郎 (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)
Kazuo Uesugi 上杉和央 (Faculty of Letters, Kyoto Prefectural University)