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主办单位: 清华大学人文学院绿色世界公众史学研究中心、


协办单位: 中国人民大学生态史研究中心、江苏人民出版社

时间: 2020年12月19日

形式: 线上腾讯会议

会议 ID: 701 948 404

会议密码: 201219


“Beyond Dust Bowls”

Symposium for the Second Edition of Dust Bowl,

and the Second Anniversary of the Establishment of

the Green Public History Center

Sponsored by the Center for Green Public History at the School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, and the Committee of Environmental History of the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences Cosponsored by the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, and Jiangsu People’s Publisher. LTD.

Tencent Meeting,

ID: 701 948 404

Code: 201219


19 December 2020


Keynote of the Symposium

滚滚黑尘,飘然入史,掀翻了20世纪30年代美国南部大平原上的尘暴,开启了古老的克里奥女神的新征程——《尘暴》生,环境史大放异彩!As the black dust storms on the American southern plains in the 1930s rolled into historiography, Clio began her new journey—the new born environmental history shone with the appearance of Dust Bowl.

17年前,域外的那场“尘暴”刮到了这片国度,让我们有机会学习如何将史之尘暴和现实中的沙尘相勾连,进而思考环境史如何研究、如何发展、如何服务。感谢《尘暴》的作者和译者,因为他们的杰出贡献和不懈努力,17年后的今天,我们又一次有机会直面“尘暴”,进一步思考与环境史相关的许多问题。Seventeen years ago, Dust Bowl came to this country, giving us an opportunity to learn how to connect dust storms in the past with those of the present, and to think about how environmental history could be studied, developed, and be made useful. Thanks to the outstanding contributions and tireless efforts of the author and translator of Dust Bowl, we now have another opportunity, seventeen years later, to face the “dust bowl” again, and to think about the many issues related to environmental history.

这一次,我们将聚焦于《尘暴》,拟重点思考如何走出“尘暴”,不仅要深入地从事环境史研究,而且要敦促历史学者反思现实与历史的关系,以推进生态、公众与史学之间的对话。因此,值《尘暴: 1930年代美国南部大平原》中译本再版以及清华大学绿色世界公众史学研究中心成立两周年之际,我们举办一场座谈会,拟邀请相关学者和社会人士,共同思考环境史在可持续发展和生态文明建设新时代的发展前景,及其对于新时代所需的绿色公民培养的意义This time, we will focus on Dust Bowl by putting our emphasis on thinking about how to go beyond Dust Bowls, not only by engaging in environmental history research, but also by urging historians to reflect on the relationship between reality and history, in order to promote the communication between ecology, the public, and historical research. Therefore, on the publication of the second edition of the Chinese version of Dust Bowl: The Southern Plains in the 1930s and the second anniversary of the establishment of the Center for Green Public History at Tsinghua University, we are holding a symposium to invite scholars and public figures to think about the future of environmental history in the context of sustainable development, ecological civilization, and the significance of Dust Bowl in order to cultivate the green citizens needed in a new era.

日程安排  Schedule


开幕式 (主持人: 梅雪芹)

Opening Ceremony(moderator: MEI Xueqin)

致辞: 黄兴涛(中国人民大学历史学院教授; 院长)

致辞: 钞晓鸿(厦门大学图书馆馆长; 中国环境科学学会环境史专委员会主任)

致辞: 钟岩般(马来西亚绿色事业集团执行董事长)

Welcoming remark: HUANG Xingtao

Welcoming remark: CHAO Xiaohong

Welcoming remark: ZHONG Yanban


主题报告 (主持人: 梅雪芹,清华大学历史系教授)

Keynote addresses (Moderator: MEI Xueqin)


唐沃思 (中国人民大学海外高层次文教专家): “我自尘土中所学”

Donald WORSTER: “What I Have Learned about Dust”


侯文蕙 (青岛大学国际关系系教授): “生态学和环境史——从《尘暴》说起”

HOU Wenhui: “Ecology and Environmental History: On Dust Bowl and Beyond”


夏明方 (中国人民大学生态史研究中心主任、历史学院教授): “迟到的灾害人文学: 《尘暴》在中国”

XIA Mingfang: “The Belated Turn to Disaster Humanities: Dust Bowl in China”


徐海 (凤凰出版传媒总编辑): “尘暴不仅仅会发生在资本主义制度下”

XU Hai: “Dust Bowls Occur beyond Capitalism”


杜非 (商务印书馆编审): “‘发现’尘暴”

DU Fei:“Go‘Discover’Dust Bowl”


小结 (梅雪芹)

Summary (MEI Xueqin)

12:00-14:00 午休

Lunch Break


小组报告 (主持人: 杨长云,上海大学历史系副教授)

Panel Presentations (Chair: YANG Changyun)

尚占环 (兰州大学生命科学学院教授): “尘暴从未缺席:青藏高原草原的尘暴化”

SHANG Zhanhuan: “Dust Bowl Never Absent: Rangeland Dust Bowlification on the Tibetan Plateau”

 晟 (中山大学历史学系副教授): “尘暴研究的跨国性启示意义”

FEI Sheng: “Transnational Insights of Dust Bowl Research”

张景平 (兰州大学历史文化学院研究员): “人文视域与环境历史——《尘暴》读书笔记一则”

ZHANG Jingping: Humanistic Perspective and Environmental History: Reading Dust Bowl

陈黎黎 (四川外国语大学马克思主义学院副教授): “《尘暴》与公众历史认知的‘祛魅’”

CHEN Lili: “Dust Bowl and the Disenchantment of Public Historical Perceptions”

李达华 (马来西亚《环环相扣》生态文明传播中心主任): “环境历史与绿色公民之‘绿火、绿商、绿道及绿行’”

LEE Tuck Wah: “Environmental History and the Green Citizen’s ‘Green Fire, Green Quotient, Green Path and Green Movement”

曹志红 (中国科学院大学马克思主义学院副教授): “尘何以为暴: 人与自然关系的历史反思”

CAO Zhihong: How Does Dust Make a Storm: The Relationship between Humans and Nature from a Historical Perspective


小组报告 (主持人: 侯深,中国人民大学历史学院副教授)

Panel Presentations (Chair: HOU Shen)

 牧 (天津师范大学历史文化学院讲师): “情感、创见、勇气: 《尘暴》里的精神财富”

CAO Mu: Emotions, Visions, and Courage: Spiritual Wealth Inside Dust Bowl

 雱 (云南大学历史与档案学院讲师): “《尘暴》阅读中的情感体验与学思启迪”

SHI Pang: Emotional Experience and Academic Inspirations in the Reading of Dust Bowl

 儒 (中国人民大学历史学院博士生): “史学研究的生态化——《尘暴》阅读体会”

SONG Ru: The Ecologization of History ResearchReading Experience of Dust Bowl

刘向阳 (河北师范大学历史文化学院教授): “《尘暴》的经济分析路径及其影响”

LIU Xiangyang: The Economic Analysis Approach of Dust Bowl and Its Influence

 瑜 (首都师范大学历史学院副教授): “农业、消费与生态秩序——重读《尘暴》”

QIAO Yu: Agriculture, Consumption and Ecological OrderRereading Dust Bowl.

王玉山 (南京师范大学社会发展学院讲师): “《尘暴》: 一则道德寓言?”

WANG Yushan: Dust Bowl: A Moral Fable?


“走出‘尘暴’”圆桌讨论 (主持人: 梅雪芹)

Beyond Dust BowlsRoundtable Discussion (Moderator: MEI Xueqin)

与谈人: (按拼音顺序排列)


付成双 (南开大学历史学院教授)

高国荣 (中国社会科学院世界历史研究所研究员)

韩昭庆 (复旦大学历史地理研究中心教授)

侯甬坚 (陕西师范大学西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究院教授)

 珺 (北京师范大学历史学院副教授)

 娜 (浙江大学人文学院历史学系“百人计划”研究员)

毛利霞 (山东师范大学历史文化学院副教授)

 达 (环境史博士、“无毒先锋”创始人)

滕海建 (辽宁大学经济学院教授)

王建革 (复旦大学历史地理研究中心教授)

徐再荣 (中国社会科学院世界历史研究所研究员)

 琼 (云南大学西南环境史研究所教授)


FU Chengshuang, GAO Guorong, Han Zhaoqing, HOU Yongjian, JIA Jun, LI Na, MAO Lixia, MAO Da, TENG Haijian, WANG Jiange, XU Zairong, ZHOU Qiong, and all other participants.