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The Third Conference of East Asian Environmental History(EAEH2015)


The Third Conference of East Asian Environmental History(EAEH2015)

Time: October 22-25(Thursday-Sunday),2015
Place: Takamatsu,Kagawa,Japan
Venue: Kagawa University
           Sun-Port Hall Takamatsu

General theme:
Beyond borders. Oceans, mountains, and rivers in East Asia.


Call for Papers
Open Submission Calls: 15. April 2014
The deadline for Submissions: 31. August 2014

Submit Proposal: Enter

The keywords for panel programs which are approved by the network committee of EAEH 2015 will be available from April 15.

Suggested Network Keywords:  

1) Animals
  i) aquatic animals
  ii) wildlife
  iii) domestication
  iv) zoo and aquarium
  v) species preservation & extinction

2) Plants
  i) greening
  ii) forestry (afforestation, deforestation)
  iii) wild plants (edible, medicinal, spiritual)
  iv) crops (agroforestry, agriculture)
  v) invasive species
  vi) species preservation & extinction

3) Microorganisms
  i) biosphere
  ii) atmosphere
  iii) microbes
  iv) infectious diseases & vectors
  v) pandemic/endemic
  vi) zoonosis

4) Water
  i) urban water
  ii) lakes and river water
  iii) ground water
  iv) wetlands
  v) seas and oceans
  vi) irrigation

5) Air
  i) atmosphere
  ii) clean air
  iii) air/space pollution
  iv) weather
  v) climate change (anthropogenic and natural)

6) Land
  i) lithosphere/cryosphere
  ii) soils
  iii) earth movers
  iv) cultural/ecological landscapes
  v) continents and islands

7) disasters
  i) natural events
  ii) extreme weather events
  iii) anthropogenic environmental disasters
  iv) historical records
  v) mitigation
  vi) resilience and recovery

8) foods
  i) food security
  ii) food and technology
  iii) animal husbandry/pastoralism
  iv) land and sea nomadism
  v) material circulation (land and sea links)

9) waste
  i) biological waste
  ii) chemical and hazardous wastes
  iii) waste management
  iv) material circulation
  v) consumption behavior

10) humans
  i) gender/sexuality
  ii) population
  iii) ethnicity
  iv) nature views/religion/ethics
  v) ecological footprint

Instructions for Submitting a Single Paper
1. Submissions should be made via the online submissions at the www.aeaeh.org web page. The process for submitting papers is as follows: All authors should submit a short abstract (max. 300 words) and provide other appropriate professional information.

Preference will be given to papers that are part of a complete panel program (see below); however, the Program Committee will accommodate as many individual proposals as we can, assembling those accepted into coherent panels.

2. If your submission is accepted in a regular session, you must upload the full paper by September 30, 2015. All papers will be available only for the participants in PDF format on the conference web site before the conference to encourage more fruitful discussion.

3. The author making the submission must provide the full names, affiliations, and email addresses of all co-authors for each submission.

4. At the EAEH 2015 only one submission as a first author is allowed; participants may however co-author other papers.

Instructions for Submitting a Complete Session Proposal
You can also propose a complete session on line. In addition to full panels reporting research results, round tables, book discussion sections, and individual poster proposals are welcome. Stay within the proposal guidelines for abstracts and submissions as noted above for individual paper proposals. An organizer has to gather 3 or 4 speakers who will each present a paper on a related topic, a discussant who will start the discussion with a prepared comment on the papers, and a chair. The roles of session organizer, chair and discussant can be fulfilled by the same or different persons. Every speaker should fill out the web pre-registration form and upload their own paper. Please submit your registration as soon as possible after April 15 but before August 31, 2014.

If you have questions, please contact eaeh2015@issjp.com or you can contact Miss Hsiao-yun Liu, Academia Sinica (hsyunliu@gate.sinica.edu.tw).

      ● April 15, 2014
         Open submission calls. Pre-registration will be begin.
      ● August 31, 2014
         Deadline for papers and sessions submission.
      ● October 2014
         Authors are notified of papers accepted. Preliminary Program. Conference registration will be begin.
      ● May 31, 2015
         Deadline for Conference Registration. Late registration will have extra charges.
      ● September 30, 2015
         Deadline for sending completed papers. Final Program.
      ● October 22-25, 2015
         EAEH2015 in Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan.

The Program Committee
David Bello, Washington and Lee University
Philip Brown, The Ohio State University
J. Donald Hughes, University of Denver
Wataru Iijima, Aoyama Gakuin University
Andrea Janku, SOAS, University of London
Shiyung Liu, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Ts’ui-jung Liu, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Motoko Hara, Ryutsu Keizai University
Satoshi Murayama, Kagawa University
Lihua Wang, Nankai University

The Local Preparatory Committee
Chair (President of AEAEH)
Satoshi Murayama, Kagawa University
Co-chair (Vice President of AEAEH)
Motoko Hara, Ryutsu Keizai University

1.Network Committee Members:
Mayumi Fukunaga, Osaka Prefectural University
Akihisa Setoguchi, Kyoto University
Shoko Mizuno, Kyushu Sangyo University
Koichi Muramatsu, Gakushuin University
Taro Takemoto, Tokyo University
Wataru Iijima, Aoyama Gakuin University
Takayuki Wada, Nagasaki University
Taro Yamamoto, Nagasaki University
Shinobu Iguro, Otani University
Kayo Nishi, Hiroshima University
Nanami Toishi, Tokyo University
Motoki Nagura, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Yukitaka Ohashi, Okayama University of Science
Toru Terao, Kagawa University
Hiroko Edani, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
Motoko Hara, Ryutsu Keizai University
Kazuhiro Uesugi, Kyoto Prefectural University
Takaaki Aoki, Kagwa University
Tsunetoshi Mizoguchi, Nagoya University
Satoshi Murayama, Kagawa University
Tatsushi Fujihara, Kyoto University
Naoyuki Hara, Kagawa University
Anne McDonald, Sophia University
Susumu Kitagawa, University of Yamanashi
Takashi Nakazawa, Shizuoka University
Thomas Jones, Meiji University
Hiroshi Kitou, Sophia University
Takeshi Miyake, Kagawa University
2.Committee Members from Academia Sinica(General and homepage sites administration)
Shu-min Huang, Distinguished Research Fellow and Director of Institute of Ethnology
Ya-wen Ku, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History
Shi-yung Liu, Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History
Hsiao-yun Liu, Assistant of AEAEH Homepage, Institute of Taiwan History
3.Beyond Networks: Corresponding Partners
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China
Centre for Environmental History, ANU
Center for Environmental History of China, Nankai University, China
Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie - Physische Geographie, Universität Freiburg, Germany
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich, Germany
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan
4.Sponsored by:
Association for East Asian Environmental History, Academia Sinica
Association for Environmental History Japan
Convention Support Funds of Kagawa Prefecture
Takamatsu Convention & Visitors Bureau
International Consortium for Earth and Development Sciences, Kagawa University
5.Committee members from Kagawa University
Yumiko Takagi, Faculty of Education, Head of the International Exchange Committee
Satoshi Murayama, Faculty of Education, Head of the International Consortium for Earth and Development Sciences (=ICEDS)
Toshiaki Aoki, Faculty of Education, Committee member of the ICEDS
Naoyuki Hara, Faculty of Economics, Committee member of the ICEDS
Takeshi Miyake, Faculty of Education, Committee member of the ICEDS
Toru Terao, Faculty of Education, Committee member of the ICEDS

(Special Note:News from the Asocietion for East Asian Environmental History,Website:http://www.aeaeh.org)

 The Third Conference of East Asian Environmental History (EAEH2015).pdf