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Turning Protest Into Policy: Environmental Values and Govern


Turning Protest Into Policy: Environmental Values and Govern

Turning Protest Into Policy: Environmental Values and Governance in Changing Societies

News (April 22,2014)

♦ Call for Papers -Washington, DC Conferenceaseh’s 2015 conference

The ASEH invites proposals for its 2015 conference that will convene March 18-22 in Washington, D.C. (Georgetown area). As the seat of government for the U.S. and the location of international agencies such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, Washington is an excellent setting to consider the environmental ramifications of diplomacy, global capital movement, and the transnational flow of ideas concerning the environment and cultural identity. Washington hosts numerous federal agencies that influence environmental policy and thinking and are, in turn, subject to intense pressure from worldwide lobbying and protest groups. The city itself has a complex history of power and poverty of its own.
With these concerns in mind, the conference theme is “Turning Protest into Policy: Environmental Values and Governance in Changing Societies.” The program committee particularly encourages panel and roundtable proposals that engage the theme in creative ways: environmental justice movements around the world, international or local protests that reveal changing environmental values, policy decisions at the national and international levels, and judicial rulings that have altered policy or resource use.
As this conference will include several events featuring environmental films and filmmaking, the program committee also encourages session proposals examining the role of films related to the conference theme.
Submission Guidelines The program committee invites panel, roundtable, individual paper, and poster proposals for the conference on these and other topics. We aim to include sessions that cover the globe, all eras of history, and that engage with other important historical themes including race, gender, imperialism, and diaspora histories.
We welcome teaching sessions, non-traditional formats, and sessions that encourage active audience participation. We encourage panels that include historians at different career stages and different types of institutions (academic and public) and that are gender and racially diverse. We strongly prefer to receive complete session proposals, although we will endeavor to construct sessions from proposals for individual presentations. Sessions will be scheduled for 1.5 hours. It is ASEH policy to allow at least 30 minutes for discussion in every session. No single presentation should exceed 15 minutes, and each roundtable presentation should be less than ten minutes since roundtables are designed to maximize discussion. Commentators are allowed but not required. Please note that individuals can propose to present or comment on only one panel, roundtable, or poster session in addition to chairing a second session. Deadline for Submissions: July 20, 2014
The online submission system will be available on ASEH’s website (www.aseh.net, “conferences”) in April 2014. All presenters and other participants are expected to register for the annual meeting. If you have any questions, please contact: Kurk Dorsey, University of New Hampshire, program committee chair,Kurk.Dorsey@unh.edu or Lisa Mighetto, ASEH director, director@aseh.net.

(Special Note:News from the American Society for Environmental History,Website:http://www.aseh.net)