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2018-19 Fellowships Awarded


2018-19 Fellowships Awarded

53 Recipients Chosen


The RCC is pleased to announce the 53 recipients of fellowships for the 2018-19 cohort. All of the following fellows will be joining us in 2018 or 2019.

Interdisciplinary Fellowships

▪ Eunice Nodari and Rubens Nodari, Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), “Has Ecosystem Management Based on Techno-Scientific Practices Twisted Sustainability?”

▪ Nancy Jacobs, Brown University (USA) and Simon Tamugang, University of Bamenda (Cameroon), “Traditional Ecology, Human Livelihoods, and the African Grey Parrot in Cameroon”

Outreach Fellowships

▪ Fabio Cian, Ca’ Foscari University (Italy), “Climate Labs - The Backstage of Climate Change”

▪ Sarah Kanouse, Northeastern University (USA), “My Electric Genealogy”

▪ Mary Beth LaDow, Independent Scholar (USA), “‘Field of Tears’ Screenplay”

Short-Term Fellowships

▪ Cecilia Åsberg, Linköping University/Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden) and Lauren LaFauci, Linköping University (Sweden), “On Common Ground: Synthesizing Environmental Humanities for Climate Change Action”

▪ Lisa Mighetto, University of Washington-Tacoma (USA), “Building an Online Forum for Environmental History”

▪ Seth Peabody, St. Olaf College (USA), “Environmental Fantasies: German Film History for the Anthropocene”

▪ Saba Pirzadeh, Lahore University of Management Sciences (Pakistan), “Literary Waters, Petro-Violence, and Ecological Ethics in Helon Habila’s Oil on Water”

▪ Erin Ryan, Florida State University, College of Law (USA), “Up the Rope Ladder, Down the Red Slide: Environmental Regulation and the Rule of Law in China”

Writing Fellowships

▪ Elisabeth Abergel, Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada), “The Biopolitics of Cultured Meat: Food Imaginaries and the Future of Animal Life”

▪ Luis Alberto Arrioja, El Colegio de Michoac´an, A. C. (Mexico), “Under the Insect´s Twilight: Climate, Plagues, and Disasters in Guatemala Kingdom (1769-1807)”

▪ Anna Barcz, Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Science / University of Bielsko-Biala (Poland), “Environmental History and Cultural Memory in Eastern Europe 1940-1991”

▪ Evan Berry, American University (USA), “Profane Energies: Religion in the Fossil Fuel Era”

▪ Astrid Bracke, HAN University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), “Flooded Futures: The Anthropocene in 21st-Centruy British Fiction”

▪ Angelo Caglioti, University of California, Berkeley (USA) / European University Institute (Italy), “The Hydro-Politics of Fascism: The Lake Tana Dam and the Environmental Origins of Mussolini’s Invasion of Ethiopia (1935)”

▪ Young Rae Choi, Florida International University (USA), “The Yellow Sea: A Window onto the Anthropocene”

▪ Marin Coudreau, Nantes University (France), “War and Pest Control in Russia and the Soviet Union as Symmetrical Histories, 1900-1940”

▪ Geoffrey Craig, Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand), “Eco-Affect and Stories of Everyday Sustainability”

▪ Elizabeth DeLoughrey, UCLA (USA) “Outer Spaces: Imagining the Ends of the Earth”

▪ Ronald E Doel, Florida State University (USA), “Cold War Planet: Constituting the Physical Environmental Sciences”

▪ Sule Emmanuel Egya, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University (Nigeria), “Eco-Aesthetics, Environmental Justice, and Social Transformation in Contemporary Nigeria”

▪ Malcom Ferdinand, Royal Netherland Institute of Southeast Asiana and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), “Toxic Tropics: Philosophy and Politics of the Use of Chlordecone in the French Antilles”

▪ Rachel Gross, University of Montana (USA), “From Buckskin to Gore-Tex: A Consumer History of Outdoor Recreation”

▪ Robert Groß, Institute of Social Ecology/AAU (Austria), “Marshall’s Niche”

▪ Floor Haalboom, Utrecht University & Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam (Netherlands), “Feeding Factory Farms: A Global Environmental History of Livestock Feed”

▪ Maryse Helbert, University of Melbourne (Australia), “Mired: Women in the Oil Zones”

▪ Rory Hill, Food 2.0 Lab, ISCC-Sorbonne (France), “The Storied Soil: Uncovering the Logic and Rhetoric of Terroir”

▪ Dominic Hinde, University of Edinburgh (Scotland), “Journalism in the Anthropocene”

▪ Eva Horn, Universität Wien (Austria), “Klima. Zur Epistemologie und Ästhetik der Atmosphäre”

▪ Neil Maher, New Jersey Institute of Technology-Rutgers, University at Newark (USA), “Seeing Nature: An Environmental Humanities Field Guide to Visual Culture”

▪ Mary E. Mendoza, University of Vermont (USA), “Unnatural Border: Race and Environment at the U.S.-Mexico Divide”

▪ Ajit Menon, Madras Institute of Development Studies (India), “Genealogies of Belonging: The Political Ecology of Conservation in a South Indian Hill Region”

▪ Jenia Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India), “Changing Trajectories of Blue Infrastructure in Kolkata—Natural History, Political Ecology and Urban Development in an Indian Megacity”

▪ Anna Pilz, Univeristy College Cork (Ireland), “The Wooded Isle: Trees, Inheritance and States in Irish Writing”

▪ Jayne Regan, Independent Scholar (Australia), “National Landscapes: The Australian Literary Community and Environmental Thought in the 1930s and 1940s”

▪ Diana Villanueva Romero, Universidad de Extremadura (Spain), “Intimate Encounters: Primate Literature as a Narrative of Relationship”

▪ Rafico Ruiz, University of Alberta (Canada), “Phase State Earth: Icebergs at the End of Climate Change”

▪ Ruth Sandwell, University of Toronto (Canada), “Heat, Light, and Work in Canadian Homes: A Social History of Energy, 1850-1950”

▪ Mu’azu Shehu, Gombe State University, (Nigeria), “Diversity and Similarity in the Perception of Environmental Problems among Salafi and Sufi Muslim Denominations in Northeast Nigeria”

▪ Mark Stoll, Texas Tech University (USA), “Capitalism: An Environmental History”

▪ Xiaoping Sun, Saint Mary’s University (Canada), “Feeding the Nation from the Wilderness: Food, Migration, and Environment in China”

▪ Péter Szabó, Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic), “A New Woodland History for Europe”

▪ Julie Sze, University of California Davis (USA), “Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger”

▪ Ariane Tanner, University of Lucerne/ University of Zurich (Switzerland), “Plankton. Die Umweltgeschichte einer ozeanischen Biomasse, 1850-2020“

▪ Gerald Taylor Aiken, University of Luxembourg, “Community Low Carbon Transitions”

▪ Julia Tischler, Universität Basel (Switzerland), “‘The Kingdom of Mealies:’ Argrarian Progressivism in South Africa, c. 1900-1945”

▪ Jessica White, University of Queensland (Australia), “Ecobiography: Exploring Environments and Selves”

▪ Thomas White, University of Cambridge (UK), “Pastoral Politics at the Frontiers of China’s ‘Ecological Civilization’”

▪ Kate Wright, University of New England (Australia), “Gleaning the Soils of Silver City: Cultural Revival and Anti-Colonial Resistance in a Community Garden”

(Spetical Notes: The News from Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Website:
